Have you ever come across someone who’d save a lot of your money and ask you to study? I know it is a very odd question and your answer to this can be different.Yes, your folks might promise you that if you study, they’d raise your pocket money so could save a little of that and party with your friends. But this is not what I am talking about.Today I am going to tell you how you can save a lot of that pocket money just by locking your phone and studying.

The Student Café is India’s first loyal points system for students.
All you have to do is download the application, sign up, lock your phone and study. The more you study the more loyalty points you earn.

The student cafe is a new app that rewards students to study. All you have to do is download the app and lock your phone. Keep studying and the rewards will amaze you.

Sounds fun right?

  • Yes, it is. If that wasn’t enough you even get free 1000 loyalty points just for signing up. Now you might ask…. How is this beneficial to me? How can I save money with these loyalty points?
  • Well, the student café has a huge list of participating vendors that offer huge discounts. Be it restaurants, café, gyms, shopping centres, etc.
  • You can even study with your group of friends and earn loyalty points. Just get together, lock your phones and start studying. Focus and when you’re done unlock your phone.
  • Once you unlock your phone your loyalty points will be ready for you. Now you can redeem these points wherever you want
  • You and your friends can reward yourselves for studying by enjoying a burger and coke at a café.

Yes, all of this is possible. We are lucky to live in a time of technology advancements. Nothing is impossible and The Student Café proves it who would have thought 50 years ago that one could get rewarded just for studying I think we should full use the opportunity we have and use it to our advantage. Hurry up! Download The Student Café app your loyalty points are waiting for you.

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